Take beautiful photos in a beautiful place

Take beautiful photos in a beautiful place •

If you elect to participate in the elk add-on

The first three days will be as listed on the Fall workshop page. On the fourth day, instead of going home at noon, you will have more adventures to come:

Day 4

6:30 AM Drive to Foothills Parkway overlook

7:00 AM Blue hour and sunrise over the mountains (7:44)

Explore favorite locations along the Foothills Parkway

12:00 PM Travel through Newfound Gap stopping at favorite fall locations

5:00 PM Photograph Elk in Cherokee, NC

Dusk: Check in at the Quality Inn, Cherokee

Explore the Smoky Mountains - Learn from pros Ben Ayling and Tom Yackley!

Day 5

7:00 AM A short drive back to the Elk location from the Quality Inn.

Photograph elk in the fields and perhaps crossing the stream.

Around 10:30 Head for home to process all your great photos and memories!

This is only available with the purchase of a full workshop.

Add-on price: $400